1. Art Of Dying (Part 1)
2. Savoy Truffle
3. Long, Long, Long
4. I'd Have You Anytime
5. Circles
6. Isn't It A Pity
7. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
8. Sour Milk Sea
9. Nowhere To Go
10. Not Guilty
11. Piggies
12. The Art Of Dying
Reality Notes:
- Track 1 - this is the last part of the demo found on the Beware Of ABKCO bootleg. I do a hard edit at the two minute mark and play it out to the finishing strum, cutting out the end chatter.
- Track 5 - This finished version comes from the album Gone Troppo. A demo was recorded and can be found on the Esher demos but it is far from a finished product.
- Track 6 - early mix found on the Songs For Patti bootleg.
- Track 7 - version from the Love album which is the '68 demo with a George Martin score, used as is.
- Track 8 - this was a problematic track. The Esher demo is quite frankly, crappy. I found several outfakes that use an instrumental backing track from the Jackie Lomax sessions that feature Paul, George and Ringo and Eric Clapton and sync that with the Esher demo which creates a more finished track. The problem with those is that you can still hear the subpar backing instruments from the demo. Unfortunately, I had no other alternative so I used the version found on the first volume of the bootleg Fab Forgeries. It would be nice if we could get our hands on a clean version of the demo that would isolate the vocal or at least the vocal and guitar without the percussion so a new and better outfake could be created.
- Track 9 - this is the one song I could not confirm as being from this time frame but it was alluded to somewhere. Aside from this demo the only other recording of this song that I know comes from a tape of George and Bob Dylan dated sometime in November 1968 which also features the two working on I'd Have You Anytime. This take comes from the Beware Of ABKCO bootleg, I tightened the stereo field a bit and added a little more reverb to sweeten it up.
- Track 10 - one of the many versions from the White album sessions this version is the Anthology 3 version.
- Track 12 - this is an early mix found on the Songs For Patti bootleg. While I am leaving this in as is for now I may have to revert to the finished album version due to the unfinished lyrics on this one.
The challenge with George's album was finding the material. From interviews and other sources it was clear that George had enough material for an album but confirming which songs are from this period took a lot of research. There are two songs from the Esher demos that were not included on the White album and after some digging I found several songs from the All Things Must Pass album that were written between 1966 and 1968. The only song that I could not pin point an exact date but was alluded to being from this time frame was Nowhere To Go. With all the songs I found I was able to save Dehra Dhun for the Anthology 4 album, which is where I really wanted to use it.
Thank you very much for these. The George 1968 one in particular was really eye-opening. The sounds he was going for on Wonderwall and the White Album sound much more coherant back to back than they did seperated by John and Paul's songs.
Mega link: https://mega.co.nz/#!XJBVTALJ!Q6nvquTqeZzcWg0wxsuCrUo3V9iraaIpUnGbyTpIiNk
Any plans on updating this one now that the White Album box set is coming out with what the previews seem to suggest is a very clean mix of the Esher demos from which one could source George's vocal?
I'm waiting to see how they sound. I normally don't do upgrades unless the upgrade is substantial. If we can create a new and better Sour Milk Sea I'm all for it. I am excited for the set.
Had a chance to hear the new Escher mixes and I would be fine with using the new mix of Sour Milk Sea as is. Overall the new mixes are a vast improvement over the apparent quick mixes of even my most recent bootleg. A new outfake is still desired and with the new mix the lead vocal is centered with other instrumentation on each side. Should not be too difficult for someone to isolate them. I personally have no time at the moment so I hope someone will beat me to it.
For Sour milk sea
Thank you Lifehouse. I'm currently comparing every outfake I have. Some are better than others. My inclination at the moment is to leave it as it is. I may post some alternative outfakes and you the readers can make the substitution if you feel the need. at the moment i'm happy the way it is.
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